An Inscrutable Masquerade, The Conundrum of Coach 13, The Trinity Vicarage Larceny and The 10.59 Assassin.Inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle's original Sherlock Holmes stories, John Taylor has written four more mysteries featuring the world's greatest detective. Read by acclaimed actor Benedict Cumberbatch, these new adventures share all the suspense of the original tales.In a drawer in his bureau, Dr. Watson keeps a locked cedarwood chest - a "box of secrets". It contains an archive of notes referring to some of Holmes' cases that, for one reason or another, never saw the light of day. Now, for the first time, Watson has decided to reveal the truth to the world...In these four thrilling stories, Holmes experiments with the science of ballistics, locates some missing gold bullion, investigates the theft of a large amount of money and solves the baffling mystery of the Stovey murder.Benedict Cumberbatch reads these four new Sherlock Holmes stories by John Taylor. more Format audiobook
the rediscovered railway mysteries
There are four separate mysteries that are supposedly rediscovered by Dr. John Watson in one of his old trunks, and being inspired he has decided to share them with us now. The four stories are titled; An Inscrutable Masquerade, The Trinity Vicarage, The Conundrum of Coach 13 Larceny, and The 10:59 Assassin. All the stories appear to be set before Watson gets married and moves out of 221 B Baker Street.
I have very mixed feelings about the audiobook. I found that when looking at the original Doyle stories of Holmes there was no comparison. These mysteries were too easy. The first two I solved easily and the last two, I pretty much had the answer, and defiantly had the person who committed the crime. However, that being said, it was nice to see a bit more of Holmes and Watson in the Victorian era.
Benedict Cumberbatch reads these four new Sherlock Holmes stories by John Taylor'An Inscrutable Masquerade'/ 'The Conundrum of Coach 13'/ 'The Trinity Vicarage Larceny'/ 'The 10.59 Assassin'Inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle's original Sherlock Holmes stories, John Taylor has written four more mysteries featuring the world's greatest detective. Read by acclaimed actor Benedict Cumberbatch, these new adventures share all the suspense of the original tales.In a drawer in his bureau, Dr Watson keeps a locked cedarwood chest - a 'box of secrets'. It contains an archive of notes referring to some of Holmes' cases that, for one reason or another, never saw the light of day. Now, for the first time, Watson has decided to reveal the truth to the world... In these four thrilling stories, Holmes experiments with the science of ballistics, locates some missing gold bullion, investigates the theft of a large amount of money and solves the baffling mystery of the Stovey murder.2015 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2015 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
Benedict Cumberbatch reads these four new Sherlock Holmes stories by John Taylor'An Inscrutable Masquerade'/ 'The Conundrum of Coach 13'/ 'The Trinity Vicarage Larceny'/ 'The 10.59 Assassin'Inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle's original Sherlock Holmes stories, John Taylor has written four more mysteries featuring the world's greatest detective. Read by acclaimed actor Benedict Cumberbatch, these new adventures share all the suspense of the original tales.In a drawer in his bureau, Dr Watson keeps a locked cedarwood chest - a 'box of secrets'. It contains an archive of notes referring to some of Holmes' cases that, for one reason or another, never saw the light of day. Now, for the first time, Watson has decided to reveal the truth to the world... In these four thrilling stories, Holmes experiments with the science of ballistics, locates some missing gold bullion, investigates the theft of a large amount of money and solves the baffling mystery of the Stovey murder.2015 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2015 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
Inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle's original Sherlock Holmes stories, John Taylor has written four more mysteries featuring the world's greatest detective. Read by acclaimed actor Benedict Cumberbatch, these new adventures share all the suspense of the original tales. 2ff7e9595c